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Finding Local Resources

Starting out

If you need help right now – go to “Need Help Now?”. You will find a list of phone numbers you can refer to for direction and guidance.

For more places to get help, visit “Getting Help”. You will be able to find local help, as well as help all across Manitoba, and elsewhere.

Here are other some options to seek help:

  1. If you have a family physician or primary care provider such as a nurse practitioner, discuss your concerns with them. Health care providers who know your child, pre-teen or teen are helpful, as they may have important family history to consider when assisting you.
  2. If you don’t have a regular health care provider, you can go to a walk-in clinic, or Access Centre. The list of phone numbers available can also assist you in finding a family doctor, mobile clinic, or other health service provider.
  3. If you live in a Northern community with a nursing station, talk to the staff there. They will be able to provide you with further information.
  4. In all areas of Manitoba, , your local Regional Health Authority will have information on available resources in your community.

You can also call your local hospital, health station, doctor’s office or public health office to find out about more local resources.

If there is a community mental health worker in your area, that would be a good place to start. You can ask a community helping professional like a school guidance counsellor, doctor, public health nurse for this contact.

If you do not have computer access

You may be viewing this website on a computer where you have limited access, or you may not have a reliable Internet connection. If this is the case, there are toll-free telephone numbers listed on the “Need Help Now?” page. Click on this to find numbers you can call.

There will also be toll-free telephone numbers at “Getting Help”.

You can also approach helpers in your community in person – someone working in a health provider position will be able to help you find further information such as telephone numbers or someone you can make an appointment to speak with. You can approach a member of the clergy, an Elder, teacher, social worker or member of the local police service about seeking help for anyone you may be concerned about.

What They Might Ask?

Some specific information is helpful to the person you have approached for help. Here are some things to have on hand, or to consider, before you make a call. (Remember, you can always call 911 in an emergency, and you will be assisted immediately)

  • The full name of both yourself and the child or teen you are calling about.
  • The age of the child or teen you are calling about. This might be important should consent for treatment be required. You do not need consent to provide information in any emergent situation. Consent is also not required for basic assessment purposes – you can describe the situation causing concern, and receive information on the best place for you to seek help.
  • The child or teen’s current address, and other basic data– the name of the school attended, name of the family physician if you have one, or involvement with other agencies or resources such as a counsellor or Child Welfare Agency.
  • A Manitoba Health Services Card number – this is the purple card issued with the family name, and all dependants listed. There should be a 6 digit number on the front of the card, and a 9 digit number on the back beside each family member name. If you do not have this at the time of calling, it can be obtained later, so please proceed with calling anytime you are concerned.
  • If it is not you, the name of the legal guardian of the child or teen you are calling about. The legal guardian will need to be involved as help progresses – possibly to consent for treatment, or to provide transportation, additional information or other assistance.
  • A recent history of the concern you are calling about. For example, if you are concerned that a child or teen may be contemplating suicide, you will be asked the reasons for your concern. Recent actions, statements, changes in behaviour, increased use of drugs or alcohol, recent legal charges or changes in living situation are all examples of information that might be important.
  • Other history information such as previous involvement with health services, or any previous hospitalizations, major health problems or concerns.
  • If earlier child development is your concern, try to organize your information by age and stage. Developmental milestones can be helpful in determining any further assessment that may be needed.

Try to keep in mind that you may be asked to provide the same information more than once, especially if you are approaching one or two places for assistance. Though this may seem frustrating, it will help to determine the best resource or service for you and your family. Good, consistent information will assist the provider in giving you the best direction, and hopefully the best help possible.