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Young Brains Growing & Developing Kids and teens are still growing and developing, and it can be hard to keep up with them. Understanding how the brain develops is one way to understand some of the challenges youth face as they move through physical, mental and emotional changes. Progress in brain imaging technologies such as […]

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[…] just about anywhere else youth and their families access services. Educators also have multiple roles with youth and families. Educators provide instruction and foster an environment where learning and growth can occur. They also coach, supervise, mentor and support youth and families in a variety of ways. Helpers & Educators need access to good […]

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[…] people at school or work. Recovery also means different things to each person. For some, recovery means that symptoms do not persist, while for others, recovery means learning to live a full life despite any ongoing symptoms. Signs of Depression Have any of the following symptoms been bothering you in the last two weeks […]

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[…] people at school or work. Recovery also means different things to each person. For some, recovery means that symptoms will not persist, while for others, recovery means learning to live a full life despite any ongoing symptoms. Signs & Symptoms Note: These symptoms are not necessarily present all the time, and this list should […]

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[…] people at school or work. Recovery also means different things to each person. For some, recovery means that symptoms will not persist, while for others, recovery means learning to live a full life despite any ongoing symptoms. Signs of Anxiety Anxious thoughts and feeling and anxious behaviour are outlined below. These might not be […]

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[…] from school, bullying, problems at home, or how to talk about your stress. Life Hacks has good information about how to deal with these stresses. This section also has helpful tools to cope with stress and find balance. Learning to deal with life’s stresses will enhance good health and help with challenges along the way.

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[…] people at school or work. Recovery also means different things to each person. For some, recovery means that no symptoms will persist, while for others, recovery means learning to live a full life despite any ongoing symptoms. Signs of self-harming behaviour: Though many individuals try to hide this behaviour, there are still noticeable signs […]

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[…] develop. What we eat CAN make a difference in how we grow and in how well our bodies and minds perform at things like sports, games and learning. Sometimes it’s hard to know what foods to choose and sometimes there isn’t much choice (like when we eat at someone else’s house or in a […]

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[…] people at school or work. Recovery also means different things to each person. For some, recovery means that no symptoms will persist, while for others, recovery means learning to live a full life despite any ongoing symptoms. It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, or how long the eating disorder has been […]

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[…] designated driver; Say you don’t like the taste of alcohol Make your own drinks without alcohol or order non-alcoholic drinks at a bar (soft drinks are often free in bars and restaurants if you tell your server you’re the designated driver) If you’re over the age of 18, follow Canada’s Low Risk Alcohol Drinking […]

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